Thyristor voltage stabilizer SUNTEK Medium TT 20000VA - Electrosheriff

Thyristor voltage stabilizer SUNTEK Medium TT 20000VA

This model has an incredibly long warranty - 8 years! Not every brand can brag of such a warranty period, agree!? This voltage regulator comes immediately with loss of neutral protection.

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$ 1746

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Rated power, VA


Maximum current, A


Input voltage range, V


Output voltage range, V


Stabilization type


Accuracy output voltage,%



12 steps, automatic

Distortion sine wave


* Operating range t °C

-30 - +50




8 years



Protection against short circuit


Lightning protection


Overall dimensions, cm


Weight, kg


* it is possible to perform in a special case at the additional request of the client


The principle of operation of electronic stabilizers of this type can be compared with the principle of operation of a semiconductor stabilizer. The design is based on the use of a powerful power transformer. Only the role of the elements switching its windings is not performed by electromagnetic relays, but by powerful semiconductor switches assembled on thyristors.

Three times the power reserve is laid in the constructive device. This allows, if necessary, to connect a power tool with a direct-start electric motor. The voltage stabilizer single-phase stabilizer is fully automated and designed to work around the clock.


Design features of voltage stabilizer SUNTEK:

powder-coated metal casing;

universal design (the housing allows the use of stabilizers in the floor or wall version)

triac power keys;

built-in 3 meter cable;

digital display reflecting the stabilizer operating mode;

step voltage regulation.

Features of voltage stabilizer SUNTEK:

surge protection (over 300V);

transformer overvoltage protection (over 300V);

shutdown of the transformer and the power circuit in cases where the voltage exceeds the permissible range; automatic connection when returning the supplied voltage to the specified frames;

high overload capacity;

protection of the transformer device from overheating;

special two-stage electronic adjustment mechanism, which allows protecting equipment from short circuits and overloads;

Efficiency is 98%;

work without noise.


Thyristor voltage stabilizer


Very often, pulsed high-frequency noise can be induced in AC power lines, as well as short voltage surges. All this can lead to disturbances in the operation of electronic equipment, so the voltage at the input of the stabilizer passes through the filter. It is assembled on chokes made on ferrite rings and capacitors. Such an L / C filter prevents penetration of the input voltage regulator into the input. The power transformer has a partitioned secondary winding, which allows you to change the transformation ratio in a stepwise mode, and, therefore, control the magnitude of the output voltage. A single-phase triac voltage stabilizer is assembled according to a similar scheme, and the whole difference between these stabilizers is the type of semiconductor switches.


series input voltage
(limit/working), V
output voltage, V number of
display speed reaction, ms. frequence, Hz
Standart 130-275 / 140-260 220 ± 4,5% 8 digital 10 50
Standart Best 85-265 / 100-255 220 ± 5% 8 digital 10 50
Optima 140-270 / 165-260 220 ± 6% 4 LED 10 50
Medium 120-275 / 140-265 220 ± 3% 12 digital 10 50
Elit 140-265 / 160-250 220 ± 2% 15 digital 10 50


This model has an incredibly long warranty - 8 years! Not every brand can brag of such a warranty period, agree!)

Thyristor voltage regulator is a transformer device in which voltage equalization is carried out by switching the windings of the power transformer using electronic keys. A thyristor is a semiconductor device that is an analog of an electromagnetic relay. It has an anode, a cathode and a control electrode. Since the thyristor conducts current in only one direction, an anti-parallel connection of the thyristors is used to operate in AC circuits. Therefore, one key connecting part of the transformer winding will consist of two thyristors. Thyristor stabilizer can provide a sufficiently high accuracy of voltage setting. This is achieved by increasing the number of switching stages. Practical circuits of electronic stabilizers on thyristors can provide stabilization accuracy of the order of 3-5%.


This type of stabilizer has the following positive qualities:

High stabilization rate;

Good protection against external interference;

Large adjustment range;

High reliability of the device.


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